Masterminding Cash Flow Strategies in your Practice Today
Hello my friend, Running an Accounting or Legal Practice can be time consuming, particularly with cash flow. Business leaders internationally are challenged with the increasing changes in the market place. New technologies, new standards, fading customer base, dwindling cash reserves are all factors affecting these industries for the smaller players in the market. To stay abreast of the market and competitors, you need to change your game plan and strategies to effective complete. As part of the overall game plan change is ensuring that you have a strong Cash Management Process in place. One of the common myths in the market place as seen by customers is that accountants and lawyers are just there to help you get out of trouble. WRONG . Perception has been that these two professions do not add value and are too expensive. WRONG . I know because I am an Accountant and have experienced the same issues that you are now experiencing. You will be totally surprised as to how you can ...