Managing Cash Flow in Your Business - Rule 1 Keep your books up to date and accurate
Welcome to a new series of blogs for 2018 on managing Cash Flow in your business. In last month's blog, I mentioned that Cash is King is so critical for businesses starting up, growing or even exiting. At any stage of the business life cycle, cash is vital. Without cash, there is not a chance for business survival. I stated five simple rules that will help you manage your company's cash flow better. Those rules are briefly restated again. Rule Number 1 - Keep your books up to date and accurate. Rule Number 2 - Don't be too lenient with your customers. Rule Number 3 - Keep your accounting simple. Rule Number 4 - Keep your business and your personal finances separate. Rule Number 5 - Build a cash reserve. Over the next five weeks, I shall explain in more detail how you can implement these rules into your business. Today, I am going to delve deeper into the first rule. The first rule of keeping your books up to date. Rule Number 1 - Keep your books up to da...